A Few Things California Medical Professionals Appreciate About PET Scans

by | Jul 9, 2021 | Health

There are various forms of imaging that are available in clinical settings. Here are a few of the advantages associated with PET scans.

One of the benefits that medical professionals appreciate when it comes to mobile PET imaging is that it can study bodily functions using biochemical processes. This means that PET scans can detect disease before the symptoms of the disease are apparent. This means that an early diagnosis is possible for patients. In comparison to other imaging tests, PET scans offer an early diagnosis for the disease.

Mobile PET imaging is a good option for individuals who cannot have a biopsy or prefer not to have a biopsy. The test studies metabolic functions. It can be a great alternative to exploratory surgeries when medical professionals are trying to determine how far a disease has spread in a patient.

Another area where PET scans shine is when it comes to differentiating between cancerous and noncancerous tumors. This is a precise medical tool that can minimize the number of surgeries that are done on patients who are dealing with tumors. It offers a more accurate picture of what the patient is dealing with and what steps medical professionals should take to offer the best care.

PET scans can be used to provide an early diagnosis for neurological illnesses. For example, PET scans can detect epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease.

Cardiac imaging, Inc. is dedicated to the field of PET imaging and how they are the only cardiac PET provider in the country that offers mobile PET imaging on a national basis. This all-inclusive service includes a fully staffed mobile medical clinic equipped with a 3D PET system, Rubidium-82 dose generator, physician training and certification (based on location), licensing and accreditation, patient prep and follow-up care, and a cloud-based virtual reading station. The decision is easy, partner with us to add cardiac PET imaging without adding additional risk and costs to your practice. For more inquiries, visit their website or contact them today.

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