How Pain Medicine in Jacksonville, FL Improves Quality of Life
When most people hear the term “pain medicine,” the first thought that pops into their head is pharmaceutical relief. While pain medications help people manage their pain, pain medicine in Jacksonville is something different. Pain management professionals use advanced, often holistic techniques, to help their patients feel better for longer without the side effects caused by prescription or over-the-counter medication.
What Is Pain Medicine?
Professionals who practice pain medicine focus on pain treatment options that don’t mask the pain, but aim to help patients alleviate pain through numerous techniques. Pain management practitioners often work side-by-side with physical therapists, surgeons, and psychiatrists to come up with a plan that is customized for each patient’s individual needs.
What Results Can Patients Expect?
Every patient’s journey toward living a pain-free life is different. Some people seek out pain management services because they’ve suffered from chronic pain for months or years from conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and even gastrointestinal issues. Other patients find themselves at pain management clinics because they’re recovering from surgery or an injury.
Every patient’s results are different depending on their regime, their pain tolerance, and their overall goals. When meeting with a pain medicine specialist for the first time, patients will learn what to expect from their therapy.
What Is Holistic Pain Medicine?
Practitioners who practice holistic pain management use a variety of techniques to reduce inflammation and stress, two things that create pain in the body and prevent healing. Common techniques include physical therapy, exercise, psychological treatment, meditation, and lifestyle changes.
Learn more about pain medicine in Jacksonville by contacting one’s primary care physician for a referral.